Gather Information

One of the top services that your attorney can provide for you following an accident is to gather information. Having all relevant information available will be a necessity if you do choose to file any type of insurance or personal injury claim. Some of the types of documents that you will need can include your police and accident report, initial medical reports and witness statements. Many of these reports will be available within just an hour of the accident occurring.  Following an accident, many people are under a lot of stress and may forget to either grab the necessary reports or will misplace them. If you have an attorney by your side, they will be able to identify the documents that you do need to build your case and receive them from the necessary parties. If they are not immediately available, the attorney will also know who they need to contact to obtain the necessary materials. 

Notify Other Parties

When an accident takes place that results in damages, there are other parties that need to be notified as well. If you are dealing with having a car repaired or recovering from injuries, you may not be in a position where you can handle all of the notifications on your own. In these situations, your attorney can handle the notifications for you, which should be done as soon as possible after an accident. Your attorney should contact your insurance company, other parties involved in the accident and even the police in some situations. This is an important part of the process when it comes to filing any claims. 

Handle Initial Communications

After an accident, it is important that you start any outbound communication, which the attorney will handle for you. However, there is also bound to be a lot of inbound communication coming in from other parties. This will include receiving phone calls from the insurance company, other parties involved in the accident and even the police department if the police reports are not completed yet. If this occurs, you will want to ensure that all of the communication is responded to quickly. While you may not be in a position to respond at the moment, your attorney will be able to handle the communication for you. This will ensure that you provide an appropriate response in a timely manner to keep the process moving. 

Start Preparing a Claim

The process of filing an insurance or personal injury claim can take some time. Due to this, it is always a good idea to start on it as soon as you can. Your attorney will be able to handle the preparation of your claim. They will be able to do this by assessing all of your damages including vehicle damage, medical bills, lost wages and other expenses. While you may need to wait to obtain some of this data, there are situations where it will be more immediately available and can help to process a claim quickly. This will help to give you the head start needed after an accident to ensure your claim is prepared, submitted and processed as quickly as possible, which could also speed up the time that you get to a settlement.  If you are ever involved in an accident, you should reach out to an attorney as soon as you can. There are many advantages that come with hiring an attorney early during the process and following your accident, which ultimately could help you with any claim that is filed. As you are looking for legal representation, the attorneys at Guajardo Marks are a great group to call. The team here can provide you with all of your legal support needs, which will help ensure your rights are properly represented and any potential claim is handled appropriately. 

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