Sometimes there are plumbing issues in your home you simply cannot ignore, and other times its seemingly small issues that lead to big problems if not addressed.  Check out these nine signs that you need to hire a plumber for your home. 

1. Slow-Draining or Blocked Sink 

There are few things worse than taking a shower and ending up standing in a pool of water up to your ankles. Well, there’s one thing that’s worse — a grimy kitchen sink that drains too slowly to use or doesn’t drain at all.  Often fixing a blocked drain is as simple as extracting the hairballs that are clogging the shower drain, or using drain cleaner in your kitchen sink. But when those DIY home plumbing techniques don’t work, it’s time to call a plumber as the problem will just get worse.

2. Low Water Pressure 

Does it take you 10 minutes just to wash one dish because of non-existent water pressure? You shouldn’t be living like this! First off, you need to identify whether the low water pressure problem is just at one faucet or all of the faucets in your home.  If it’s one faucet, it may just be a clogged aerator that needs a clean. If the low water pressure is at more than one faucet it indicates a more significant problem that requires the expertise of a plumber.  

3. Gurgling Sounds 

Are you hearing gurgling sounds whenever you use the toilet, shower, or laundry? No, it’s not an idyllic creek that’s sprung up outside your home, it’s your plumbing system struggling to find air.  The harder your system has to work, the higher the likelihood that water will start spilling into your home. It’s especially worrying when the gurgling sounds come from the toilet. If that’s happening, it’s time to search for ‘best plumber near me’.  

4. There’s No Water

This is one of those plumbing issues that you simply cannot ignore. You need water for multiple uses in your daily life. Check if you paid your last water bill. You did? Well, then it’s a problem for the plumber.  There are plenty of reasons why water isn’t making it to your home. It may be due to a blockage or a leak. Because all of your pipes are hidden behind walls and floors, you need an expert to come in and identify where the problem is. 

5. There’s No Hot Water

You wake up in the morning and jump into the shower. Uh oh…there’s no hot water. Perhaps every other resident in your home has already had a shower and it just needs some time to heat up. But if that’s not the case, then there’s another plumbing issue at hand.  You may be dealing with a failed water heater that needs repair or total replacement. A plumber will also be able to advise you on the tank size that’s most appropriate for your home, if that’s the problem.  Because of the electrical and gas components of a water heater, it really is best to leave it up to the specialists.  

6. A Nasty Sewage Smell

If your home is smelling like a giant is constantly passing wind, you need to address the issue immediately. A sewage odor in your home is not only one of the most unpleasant plumbing problems, it’s also a health and environmental risk. There are a couple of things that could be causing the problem, from inadequately ventilated drain pipes, clogged toilet pipes, or a damaged sewer system. Whatever it is, rather than lighting incense or spraying your home with an air freshener, just call a plumber. 

7. Constantly Dripping Faucets 

A constantly dripping faucet is an unusual and cruel form of torture if you have to listen to it the entire day. Not only this, but you’re paying for gallons of water that you’re not even using, just from tiny, constant drops.  Sometimes all you need to do is tighten the faucet, and if you’ve got the tools to do that then give it a go. If that doesn’t work then you may have a cracked pipe or an incorrectly installed element. A plumber will be able to identify and fix the problem in no time — saving you money and the buildup of irritation from that drip-drop sound.  

8. Back-Flow Issues 

When dirty and disgusting water starts sprouting up from your sinks and onto your floors, it’s pretty disheartening. The water is meant to go down the sink, not up from it!  Back-flow water is has a pretty nasty odor and is unhygienic and dirty. You don’t want liquid coming up from your plumbing system – especially not sewer water. Back-flow water is easy to fix…for a plumber. It’s caused by a drop in water pressure that changes the natural flow of water. Don’t risk messing up your beautiful floors with gross backflow water — call a plumber for your plumbing needs!

9. Burst Pipes

This is a plumbing problem that is common in winter because of frozen pipes. If you don’t address this immediately, you’ll be dealing with severe water damage in your home.  As pipes are hidden behind the wall, it will be difficult to you to identify where the pipe has burst. You’ll just notice water running down your wall, for example. Call a plumber immediately to find the problem and fix it before serious damage is done. 

Do You Need to Hire a Plumber?

Are you experiencing one of these plumbing problems in your home? If so, it’s time to hire a plumber. If you don’t address plumbing issues you may end up with water damage, health problems, or even worse problems.  Did you enjoy this post? Our site is full of informative content for homeowners — keep exploring for more helpful articles!

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