Let’s reason out as to why we should understand what others feel:

1. Approachability leads to advancement:

Sociability and approachability are tenets of humanity. A genuine attempt to understand what others feel makes you more approachable as well as gives you an edge in your professional career over others.

2. No fights, all right! :

Don’t you remember how that agreement of everyone to be the ‘it’ in the game of hiding and seek help in easy avoidance of conflicts?

3. Kindness is the best gift:

Hallmark Ideas Nothing can be kinder than to say “I understand” on seeing others in distress. Understand first to get understood later.

4. Self-conscious to Self-confidence!

Science says that to understand what others feel can help us become more conscious of our feelings and emotions. When you feel good, you perform better. Don’t Miss out:- 3 Secrets to Build High Self Esteem

5. Emotional Quotient-Your real scorecard:

It enables us to live a fuller life and to laugh a little louder too which improves your EQ.

6. Assist people effectively

Help people depending on their perception of their feelings and desires.

7. Listen well to what people are saying

Listening is one of the best ways to understand what others feel. If people are talking, listen thoroughly. Many people don’t listen. Many people don’t listen with the expectation of understanding; they listen with the intention of responding.   Once we start valuing feelings, we start valuing people. CAN’T WE MAKE “EMPATHY” THE NEW FAD? KEEP THINKING!… Also Check:- 6 Ways to Make Your Life More Peaceful Featured Image by The Dream Catch

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7 Benefits of Understanding What Others Feel  - 437 Benefits of Understanding What Others Feel  - 847 Benefits of Understanding What Others Feel  - 507 Benefits of Understanding What Others Feel  - 777 Benefits of Understanding What Others Feel  - 387 Benefits of Understanding What Others Feel  - 21