1. Upgrade to green, energy-efficient appliances

A great way to transform your home into an energy-efficient abode is to upgrade to eco-friendly appliances. Although their initial price tag may be somewhat hard to get by for some homeowners, the amount of money these green appliances will be saving you on your electricity rates in the long run is priceless. Purchasing appliances with a good energy rating will help lower the amount of energy that is consumed in your house, as well as help cut your monthly utility bills.

2. Pull the plug to eliminate wasteful vampire power

Unplugging idle electronics such as TV, printers, and microwaves can go a long way in preserving energy. Even when not in use, some devices continue to pull small amounts of energy when plugged in. This is incredibly wasteful and often referred to as the vampire power, so it’s necessary that you pull the plug on all the appliances that aren’t being used, especially during the night. If you’re planning on taking a vacation, it would be a good idea to unplug all the devices to ensure that energy wastage doesn’t mount up while you’re gone.

3. Swap all incandescent light bulbs for their eco-friendly versions

Installing efficient lighting is a great way to help reduce energy consumption in your home. Equip your abode with environmentally-friendly alternatives to wasteful incandescent light bulbs. LEDs are the most efficient and are the perfect choice for homeowners who are looking for eco-friendly lighting solutions. Countries such as Australia are known for improving their environmental performance, and many Sydney homeowners rely on an experienced electrician from Inner West to install the most efficient, sustainable lighting fixtures to demonstrate good environmental practice. That way, they’re making sure their wiring is practical enough to handle the modern lifestyle of their family while also making their homes more energy-efficient.

4. Use an energy monitor adaptor to track electricity usage

Monitoring how much electricity your household consumes over a period of one month may put things into perspective and help you realize what you’re using the most energy for. Home energy management is made easy with the use of an energy monitor adaptor. An easy way to track electricity usage, this device helps save both energy and money by measuring the amount of electricity your appliances use. With a number of eco-friendly solutions available on the market, it’s easy to find a model that will best suit your needs. Some even let you know when you’ve reached a certain level of use and let you set daily electricity use targets you’d like to achieve.

5. Streamline your energy use by upgrading heating system controls

Another way to save some energy and help reduce your monthly expenses is to upgrade your heating system. Streamline your energy use by installing an electronic controller, a hot water tank thermostat, as well as the room thermostat to ensure you’re not wasting any energy. Thermostatic valves fitted to your radiators are handy for shutting the water flow through the radiator. That way, you can reduce the amount of oil or gas used to generate heat. Also, be sure to upgrade your central heating system with a room thermostat so you can easily turn down a couple of degrees to reduce your energy consumption. Lowering the amount of energy that is being used in your home is a crucial step in preserving the environment. Use the tips above to reduce your carbon footprint and save some money in the process.

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