While abstract is used to refer to pieces that feature certain style elements, there are actually a variety of types of this art style from several different movements and styles. If you’re thinking about adding a piece of abstract art to your home — or perhaps several — keep reading to learn what you need to know about a few of the various types for adding to your home’s interior design.


In the mid-1930s, abstract art was having a moment. But who had invented the new art style wasn’t clear until 1935, when a Russian artist by the name of Wassily Kandinsky wrote to his gallerist, claiming that he had unknowingly created a form of “abstract art” two decades earlier. His now-famous work was painted in 1911 and featured layers of colors and sharp-edged shapes covering a canvas. Other artists would later attempt to claim the title of inventor of the abstract art movement, so whether Kandinsky truly created the first piece of abstract art is unclear. But what is clear is that the style he and other earlier artists used continues to be popular today. Also known as cubism, this is likely one of the first styles that come to mind when you hear the word “abstract.” Usually defined by blocks, rectangles, squares, and other sharp shapes, today this style can be painted or digital. Also read: Trending Home Workouts: No Equipment Needed

Splatters and Drips

When you see a canvas adorned with paint splatters and drips, you might think of grungy styles of the 1980s and 90s. But the splatter painting movement, another abstract art style, actually started in the 1940s. Artist Jackson Pollock is usually credited with starting the splatter movement as a way of expressing freedom from restrictions.  Splatter painting has long been used to make a statement, and it will certainly do just that in your home. Usually dramatic, colorful, and a little chaotic, these paintings make great focal points and conversation starters.

Abstract Organic

Abstract art has become a timeless style. But that doesn’t mean it blends easily with every style of home design. For instance, the modern, minimalist, nature-inspired trend of home décor doesn’t blend well with a colorful splatter painting or a dramatic cubism piece. But this doesn’t mean you can’t feature a piece of abstract artwork in your home. The abstract organic style has a modern feel, drawing its inspiration from the shapes, lines, and colors of nature. It first came to light in the 1950s, when artists took organic natural shapes, textures, and colors, and interpreted them on canvas. Today, you’ll find no shortage of professional art prints in the abstract organic style that are perfect for creating an eye-catching gallery wall or accenting your space with a single frame.

Line Art

With an almost cartoonish appeal, line art is a sometimes-overlooked abstract style that also makes a great addition to a modern space. Usually featuring blocks or blurs of color in the background, these pictures often feature shapes or drawings created with thin, defined lines. These shapes may form a picture, like animals, people, or elements of nature. Or they may be abstract and thought-provoking. In either case, these paintings usually have a fun, yet polished feel to them. Also read: A Guide to LED Strip Lights to Revamp Your Home

Choosing the Right Abstract Style for Your Space

With so many different styles to choose from, abstract art can be a great choice for any space. For your modern living room, a piece of abstract organic or line art can bring color and texture in without being too distracting. But if you want to add drama and spark a conversation or two during your next get-together, classic cubism or splatter and drip art is also a great choice.

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