Whether you want to join a country club for its facilities, its social character, or as a way to get fit, you’ll find a club for you. If you live in a large population center, you may even find yourself spoiled for choice. With each country club having its quirks, it’s not always easy to make the final decision. We’re here to help. Here are four questions to ask when joining a country club.

1. What Are the Country Club Fees?

Naturally, the fees associated with membership are going to be one of the first things you’ll want to know when joining a country club. Fees can vary widely based on the club’s facilities and its exclusivity. You may also need to find out if the club offers different membership tiers, which you can choose from based on your needs. For instance, check out the membership options over at https://www.ccdcranch.com/ to see what the various membership options look like.

2. What’s the Club Like as a Social Space?

Country clubs are as much social venues as they are places to play sports. For that reason, it makes sense to figure out the general social make-up of a club before you join. Clubs often generate a culture of their own and attract members to suit. If you’re a young professional, for instance, an old-fashioned country club popular with retirees may not be for you. This is doubly important if you’re hoping to make lasting friendships, which is one popular reason for joining a country club. Making friends as an adult can be tough, but the right country club offers the perfect opportunity.

3. What Facilities Are There?

The primary appeal of a country club are the facilities on offer to members, so it only makes sense to scope these out prior to joining. Some country clubs offer no more than golf courses and social facilities, while others cater to a huge variety of activities, rivalling a vacation retreat. You’ll need to assess your needs and weigh them against a club’s facilities to find the perfect match. Are you looking for somewhere to while away an afternoon, or something closer to a home away from home?

4. What if I Need to Cancel my Membership?

Sometimes life moves on. Whether you no longer feel the need to be in a country club or your circumstances have simply changed, you may need to cancel your membership. There is where some unwary individuals might end up stung by cancellation clauses, like having to pay out the rest of a fixed period. Even if you intend to remain with the club for a long time, it’s always better to know the cancellation policy—you just never know what might happen. 

Joining a Country Club: Asking the Questions

With these questions, you can make joining a country club a painless experience, and have the best chance at finding the perfect club for you. And if it doesn’t work out? Well, at least you know what their cancellation terms are. Looking for more lifestyle guides? Make sure to check our Lifestyle section often for more.

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