1) Believe in Yourself

A belief that I can and I will do it. A belief that I am not captured under the garb of negativity neither by angels nor by demons. Ultimately when I wave a good-bye to this not-so-real world, I would be remembered as the one getting the shit done! I can tell you, there’s nothing like you won’t be able to do it. Nothing! What hampers you from growing and achieving your goals, is the virtual insect known as “doubt”. Hold it, squeeze it, and crush it. Done! Your goals poked you.

2) Make a To-Do List:

Create a daily or weekly list of realistic tasks and make sure cool stuff is included. Beware of the huge to-do lists! Small things would soon add up giving you the soup of bigger accomplishments.

3) Be Spontaneous:

You know sometimes we postpone sending that email or making a phone call or replying to an SMS and they stay as thoughts in your mind throughout the day. It bothers us! So if there is anything that is going to take you less than two minutes to do, make that decision and do it right there & then. Be efficient.

4) Turn Your Phone on Silent-Mode:

The secret of the achievers across the timeline is that they don’t give a damn to distractions. I think it’s time to believe that “It is a big myth that cell-phones and social media are invented to save your time.”

5) Brainstorm Always:

Every morning sit for a while, and get those creative juices flowing. Probability is high that you would come up with some killer ideas when the mind is freely out of the shackles of log kyakahenge!

6) Eat the Frogs:

Once you’ve figured out your Most Important task for the day, do the task you’re least looking forward to first. That way, you would get it out-of-the-way early and feel super-duper productive, to boot.

7) Meet Your People Often:

We all have those friends who are a family apart from the family. Make sure you meet them at least once a week. Keep in touch with the people whom you can look up to, discuss your ideas with them, continue doing mad stuff along with them, never grow up and yes don’t ever lose those idiots. You might also like: 5 Tips to Start A Conversation with Anyone 5 Tips to Keep A Conversation Going 6 Tips to Make Your Chat Interesting Like Never Before

8) Learn to Say NO:

You – Yes you are stronger than you think you are! But don’t stretch yourself too thin. Learn to say no for going out for parties when you’re tired, to loads of extra projects when you’re swamped. Unleash your potential, don’t exploit!

9) Take a Sweet Break:

I am not into marketing for Kit-Kat, but yes take a break and eat chocolates. According to a practical experiment by a student of Ahmedabad University, “Intake of chocolates at frequent intervals generates a feeling of dedication & helps tremendously in working more passionately.” Not just breaks, take sweet breaks.


Read. This. Slowly… Getting stuff done isn’t always a matter of making it to the finish line first. We all have heard the hare & tortoise story in childhood. It’s not the speed, but the power of habit that wins the game. Take time to reflect and recharge. Don’t forget to check: 4 Secrets to Turn Failure into Success

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